Monday, September 27, 2010

Talent Show

Me and Efrat are singing Telephone (glee version) in the schools talent show! I would love you guys to come and watch on October 13th lunch time break! Sorry we couldn't perform, we wouldn't have enough time to practice, since Gari can't be bothered to sign up for our blog or even compose a song yet, we are far behind...the video will be posted soon!



  1. meto!!! we should have gone in...but u have to admit in the auditions we were nervous!

  2. you guys didn't go in!? Why didn't you tell me! or did you? im not sure. but you guys were sooooo good when i heard you at the table, and how did u guys no u didn't go through? P.S tyra, why od we keep on having to do word verification everytime we post, its annoying!!
